Mind Sculpt 2022-08-03 (English)
LG Method Signature Class
9m 33s
In this video you will find Meditation to connect with positive memories that help overcome thoughts of self-sabotage, to implement a new habit of positive well-being. Do this meditation before the LGFIT Signature of the week or whenever you need motivation.
Up Next in LG Method Signature Class
Signature LGFIT Sculpt 2022-08-03
Iniziamo il mese di Agosto con l'energia primordiale del movimento, connettendoci tramite esso con la nostra vibrazione energetica.
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Mind Sculpt 2022-07-27 🇬🇧
Class explanation and Mindset coaching to help you maintain your wellness habits. Let’s talk about Control vs Change. How to apply various techniques to be successful in your health and life.
Mind Sculpt 2022-07-27 🇮🇹
Spiegazione della classe e Mindset coaching per aiutarti a mantenere le tue abitudini di benessere. Parliamo di Controllo vs Cambiamento. Come applicare varie tecniche per essere vincenti nella tua salute e nella tua vita.
video in lingua italiana