LG Inscape Sculpt Bonus Abs 2022-04-27
InSculpt Combine Workout- under 20' (no verbal cues)
Workout concentrato su addominali e spina dorsale. cavigliere opzionali. Per rassodare e non ingrossare il muscolo addominale.
Workout focus on abs and spine. Ankle weights optional.
Up Next in InSculpt Combine Workout- under 20' (no verbal cues)
Inscape Sculpt LG Bonus 2022-04-20
Abs + core workout no words only music. Ankle weights optionals.
LG Inscape Sculpt Bonus 2022-03-30
15 minuti di glutei e gambe sculpt workout. Cavigliere. Non ci sono istruzioni verbali ma solo musica e movimento.
15 minute sculpt workout to combine or to practice in the strategy of the week. Lower body and glutes focus. Ankle weights. No words only movement and music
Inscape Sculpt/ Bonus 2022-03-09
Allenamento per gambe e glutei con attenzione alla coordinazione per corpo e mente. Esecuzione sulla pancia per stimolare digestion Pesi 1.5 kg- cavigliere.
Lower body workout legs and glutes. Some of the moves are great for coordination mind and body. Belly on the floor to stimulate digestion.A...