LGFIT signature class e' la classe principale della settimana. Perfetta alternarla con Yoga sculpt della settimana. Total body workout. Lavoriamo sulle inversioni in progressione, se non avete equilibrio lavorate con i piedi a terra. Cavigliere 1kg e Pesetti 1.5 kg.
LGFIT signature class is the main class of the week. Perfect to alternate with Yoga sculpt of the week. Total body workout. We work on inversion in progression; if you don't have balance yet, practice with your feet on the ground. Anklets 1kg and Weights 1.5 kg.
Up Next in LG Method Signature Class
Mind Sculpt 2022-01-26
Motivazione e mindset per la settimana: come organizzarsi e dare priorita' alla tua routine di benessere. Motivation and life coaching for the week: how to prioritize your schedule for self care time.
Signature LGFIT Sculpt 2022-01-26
Utilizziamo la sedia per andare in profondità e scolpire tutto il corpo. Cavigliere 1 kg- pesetti 1.5 kg
We use the chair to go deep and sculpt the whole body. Anklets 2 pounds - weights 1.5 kg -
Mind Sculpt 2022-01-19